Day 94

Macro Monday (Day93)

Day 92

I’m not going to lie, my trip home was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. However knowing and feeling the love and support of The Family made it more bearable. And I know that Granny would have been looking down smiling at everyone getting involved with the thank-you cards for all the beautiful flowers and donations made in Granny’s name–and perhaps was a bit jealous that we were drinking without her 😉


Day 91

Even though she “fussed” at me for only ever coming home for Reesie’s birthday, Lala did allow me to take 30 seconds of selfies with my mini-me…

Day 90

While my reason for going home was bittersweet, I am so very thankful that I got to stay to help Reesie celebrate her birthday…


Day 89

Cake Decorating 101 with Grammers: Momma shows Reesie the best way to decorate Reesie’s birthday cake–because sometimes baking with your grandchildren are exactly what the soul needs to start healing…


Day 88

Day 86

Just in case the heat in August doesn’t make one aware that one is in Texas, walking into a grocery store and seeing a huge selections of Texas wine is a pretty good indicator 🙂



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