South Ferry Bound 1 Train, 50th Street

No need to go to a museum, art in NYC is all around you, but I’ve found that some of the most intricate pieces can be found only a subway ride away…

I HEART NYC Baseball

Bronx Bound 1 Train, Houston Street

No need to go to a museum, art in NYC is all around you, but I’ve found that some of the most intricate pieces can be found only a subway ride away…


Floral Friday: City Topiary

For such a large city, I have to give props to NYC for their commitment to the parks and beautification of the city via nature.  Spring & summer offer some spectacular color displays, all through out the city.

Okay, okay…save your comments, I know this is not a flower, but a tree….but c’mon, you have to admit it’s pretty cool!

I HEART NYC: Reflection

Queens Bound R Train, 8th Street

No need to go to a museum, art in NYC is all around you, but I’ve found that some of the most intricate pieces can be found only a subway ride away…

Chalkboard Art #12

New York City streets are filled with a lot of things: people, dogs, trash, mysterious things you’re better off not knowing what they are…but my favorite things NYC sidewalks offer are Chalkboard Art.


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