South Ferry Bound 1 Train, 66th Street/Lincoln Center

No need to go to a museum, art in NYC is all around you, but I’ve found that some of the most intricate pieces can be found only a subway ride away…

I HEART NYC Throwback Thursday

Yesterday FAO Schwartz closed it’s flagship store on 5th Avenue, so I thought this TBT picture of Sissy & TK’s first trip to NYC was an appropriate send-off.


Memoirs of a Princess: Cue Jaws Theme

Being a Big Dog in a Big City, Addy gets a wide variety of reactions when we are out and about.  It’s usually fear.  Mostly people try to disguise it, usually pretending there is a reason to suddenly cross the street.  Sometimes, it’s blatantly obvious.

The other day on our morning walk, the princess and I were following a lady.  And by follow, I mean we were walking in the same direction as someone else who was in front of us.

While Addy is allowed to wander on our walks, I was keeping her close enough that there was still a several foot gap between Addy and the lady we were following.  And yet, two full blocks of our walk was spent with me making sure there was an appropriate Addy/lady gap, Addy happily checking out all the smells along the sidewalk, and the lady–well, the lady was apparently waiting for an attack because her cadence upon noticing Addy quickly became: step, step, hesitation, look back at Addy, step, step, hesitation, look back at Addy, step, step.

just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water walk down the sidewalk…

da dum….da dum….da-dum, da-dum, da-dum…


Times Square, N/Q/R Trains

No need to go to a museum, art in NYC is all around you, but I’ve found that some of the most intricate pieces can be found only a subway ride away…


I HEART Ships of Old

During the summer, the harbor is filled with lots of traffic: sailboats, ferries, tour boats, water taxis, cruise ships, barges, etc.  But my favorite boat to see are the replicas of the ships from long ago.


Old Glory

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