A Fresh Start


It’s crazy to think that it’s already 2016.  It seems like it was just March 2015 and yet, here we are.

Time is a funny thing.  It passes so casually, so carelessly, so relentlessly–despite all things time marches on.  Here it is a new year.  Have you made your resolutions?  I haven’t.  Oh sure, I think “GYM!” or “SEE MORE OF THE CITY” or “WRITE MORE” or “TRAVEL MORE” but I have yet to make a plan.  And without a plan, resolutions are more like dreams and wishes–floating around in time and space until you actually decide to pluck them.

Speaking of writing, I’m always amazed at those who continue to blog when things are so crazy you’re not sure whether you are coming or going.  Then I had an epiphany (and for full disclosure, champagne may or may not be involved): it’s not the blogging I envy, it’s the planning–no, actually, not the planning: the everything else.

I must confess, I’m great at the planning and horrible at the everything else.  Life takes over, other things become more important, and I entertain thoughts of I’ll post tomorrow, which turns into next week and then suddenly, next year.  But now that it is a new year, I suppose I should just dive back in.

And for the record, I really didn’t meant to be so introspective on a Sunday morning. I just wanted to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and share a laugh…so…



Penn Station, Entrance at 31st & 7th

No need to go to a museum, art in NYC is all around you, but I’ve found that some of the most intricate pieces can be found only a subway ride away…

Location, Location, Location…

I think you need to give Whole Foods credit for product placement….oh and since it’s with the fruits & veggies, I’m TOTALLY counting each bottle as 1 fruit 😉


Happy Groundhog’s Day!

yeah, yeah, I know it’s not technically an official holiday, but I thought it was a fun way to let you know that I’m baaaaaack!

sorry, it’s been crazy and what little effort I’ve put into blogging has been for ET (although don’t kill yourself clicking over, there haven’t been many posts there either!).

Originally, I had given serious thoughts to combining the two, but I rather like having this one separate and–more or less–NYC focused.  So, now that I’m committed I promise, promise, promise to post more frequently.

Incidentally, what do you think are the rules for predicting length term for mayors who drop groundhogs during Groundhog Day celebrations?  I guess time will tell…


Chalkboard Art

New York City streets are filled with a lot of things: people, dogs, trash, mysterious things you’re better off not knowing what they are…but my favorite things NYC sidewalks offer are Chalkboard Art.


Day 100

It was an interesting journey that 100HappyDays took me on and while not every day was sunshine and roses, it was–and still is–easier to find the good in each day.  Some days, like when my Granny died, it took A LOT searching.  Others, like Day 100, it was easy: I was in a gorgeous spot with some amazing friends.  Regardless, when you go out looking for happiness, it will find you.


Day 98

My request for all birthday trips was to go somewhere that I hadn’t been before.  For Birthday Trip #1 that meant heading south…south…south for a road trip to the very tip of the continental United States: Key West!


Day 97

I’m quite sure every Texan’s motto is “Go Big or Go Home” and it is in that spirit that I planned not one, but THREE trips for my birthday this year.  Due to scheduling and vacation requests, they were all spread out (both in terms of timing and location).

Trip One was with BFF & BFFH in Florida.  The weeks leading up to my trip were crazy and stressful and I wasn’t altogether sure it was going to happen.  When I touched down in Tampa and saw the kites flying in the airport, I had a smile that spanned from ear to ear.


Day 96

Having grown up smack dab in the middle of nowhere in Texas, it is sometimes surreal walking around NYC and seeing iconic buildings that I have always seen in movies and on television.  Of course, Macy’s is one of New York’s biggest icons, which set the stage for my favorite Christmas movie Miracle on 34th Street.  Nowadays, it also reminds me of my niece, who announced when she was 8, all she wanted was to go shopping at Macy’s.  Her parents convinced her to wait a few years and every year on her birthday she sends me a countdown until she gets to come and visit Macy’s (oh, and her Auntie Sherry of course!).


Day 94

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